Sunday, December 28, 2008
End of Year Update
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
December 9th, 2008
One of our faithful Bible students
Hi everyone,
I've talked to our people in Cambodia and it was wonderful to hear their voices. It was such a blessing to speak with the orphans one by one and also talk to Brother Pilot and his wife. I wanted to encourage them in these times of difficulty. I told them to look to the Lord. They trusted Him for salvation, now trust Him to provide their daily needs. We've had to cut our budget back and expect to have to do it again, just like everyone has to do. But our orphans and Bible students need help. I take them before the throne of grace and intercede for them. Paul said in Philippians, when talking about taking up a missionary offering, "Not that I desire a gift, but I desire fruit that may abound to your account." We don't ask for your help because we desire a gift, but we want fruit to abound to your account. It's a spiritual investment. It is laying up treasures where moth and rust don't corrupt. In light of the problems and corruption we've seen in Congress and Wall Street, I must remind you that there is a sure investment in the Bank of Heaven.
The ministry needs are great! We took in orphans by faith, trusting that God's people would provide the means to care for them. We took in Bible College students by faith, trusting that God's people will spiritually invest. Everything we do is not for our glory or for yours, it is for the glory and honor of the King of Kings.
Email me at if you would like to do something to help. The list of needs is LONG! There are regular ongoing monthly needs and there are special
one-time project needs. Both kinds of needs are vital! God bless you!
This little Cambodian boy is getting a little needed sleep! But may we not sleep on duty for Christ! Let's be alert and be good soldiers of Jesus Christ!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Orphan Christmas

Hi everyone! In the past, our orphans had the tremendous blessing of receiving an annual Christmas offering from Manna Worldwide. Manna Worldwide is a great ministry, based out of Fort Worth, Texas. Due to some personnel issues in Cambodia, we had to end our relationship with our former Cambodian associate who had partnered with us in a feeding center. Since we aren't with Manna anymore, our orphans no longer receive Christmas gifts from the annual offering. Times have been tough for a lot of people, we know. Tough for you and tough for us. We're not sure what we'll be able to do for the orphans' Christmas this year. If you would like to help provide Christmas gifts for the orphans this year, please send your offerings to us before December 15th at:
Billy and Cindy Haas
BBFI Missions
P.O. Box 191
Springfield, MO 65801
Make checks payable to: BBFI Missions.
Mention that the gift is for: "Haas/Orphans/Christmas"
Thank you and God bless you! The Lord will not forget your labor of love! Hebrews 6:10
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
How's Cindy doing?
The doctors are still unsure about the exact nature of Cindy's problem. She had another CT scan yesterday and goes for an MRI today. Cindy has been having some terrible problems with her lower back and spine, near her tailbone. She has so much inflammation that they couldn't see the x-ray well, so they're doing the MRI today. We have learned that tuberculosis, histoplasmosis, and another disease called cestodic tuberculosis can spread and cause the kind of pain that she's having in her lower spinal region. She was hurting so badly yesterday that she was unable to get up out of a chair without considerable effort. We appreciate your prayers for Cindy and will keep you informed as we learn more.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Furlough Extended

As you know, Cindy is being treated for a "TB-like" bacteria in her lungs. This treatment lasts a minimum of six months. So, we extended our furlough. Now, on top of all that, we've lost $500 a month support towards the orphanage support. Add to that, an incredible increase in our Social Security withholding and an increase in our mandatory health insurance premium. Then the icing on the cake is the news that the inflation rate in Cambodia is 24%. Between the loss in support for the orphanage, the increase in taxes and health insurance, and the increasing cost of living in Cambodia, it is a support value loss of minimum $1,100 per month!
We are in dire economic times, not only in America, but around the world. Financial support is becoming more difficult to raise. Funds for special projects and needs is becoming harder to obtain.
Our prayer is that God's people will be like the churches of Macedonia in 2 Corinthians 8. Please take the time to read the first several verses of the chapter. Even in times of trial and difficulty, may the Lord's people give sacricially from deep poverty but with abundant joy.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Family Things
Hi everyone,
Here's an update on how things are going around here. Cindy's still undergoing treatment for what seems to be a "tb-like bacteria" She is having some pains in her chest and will be going to the doctor to follow up on that.
Well, the girls are still trying to do whatever they can to raise some funds for their trips: Leah has an upcoming mission trip to a "Creative Access Nation" and Kayla to our nation's capitol. Pray for my girls as they see the Lord work in their lives. If you can help them, please let us know at our email address:
I just got back from Louisville, Kentucky. The mission conference was cancelled due to damages inflicted by Tropical Depression Ike. It was great to hear Bro. Trivette preach in person. I've listened to many of his messages on tape throughout the years.
Cindy met Fox News anchorwoman E.D. Hill recently and that was cool. She had her photo taken with her also.
Here's an update on how things are going around here. Cindy's still undergoing treatment for what seems to be a "tb-like bacteria" She is having some pains in her chest and will be going to the doctor to follow up on that.
Well, the girls are still trying to do whatever they can to raise some funds for their trips: Leah has an upcoming mission trip to a "Creative Access Nation" and Kayla to our nation's capitol. Pray for my girls as they see the Lord work in their lives. If you can help them, please let us know at our email address:
I just got back from Louisville, Kentucky. The mission conference was cancelled due to damages inflicted by Tropical Depression Ike. It was great to hear Bro. Trivette preach in person. I've listened to many of his messages on tape throughout the years.
Cindy met Fox News anchorwoman E.D. Hill recently and that was cool. She had her photo taken with her also.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Leah and Kayla
Part of the curriculum involves our girls making trips to different places. Kayla's class will be going to Washington, D.C. and seeing the museums and different monuments. Leah will be going on a mission trip. Because of the delicate nature of the trip, we won't be disclosing the location until after she is back and the trip is over. She is going to be doing different and creative ways of raising funds for the trip. Some of this is school-sponsored fundraising and then she'll be trying to raise some on her own. We appreciate all who helped her last time and prayed for her last trip back in 2008. She'll make this next trip in 2009. Please pray for both Leah and Kayla as they work hard to prepare for these school trips. Pray that the Lord will open doors for them to get the sponsors they need. God bless you all!
Report From Cambodia Trip
It was good to see Brother Pilot and his family again also. Brother Pilot is a tremendous help to me in the Lord's work. He is faithful and dedicated to the Lord. He is helping me take care of our orphans. In addition, he is taking care of our Bible students and guiding them as they study the Bible in Phnom Penh. He also helps me with our mission churches throughout Cambodia.
We cooperated with other independent Baptist missionaries in the annual evangelistic camp. Over 8,000 youth attended camp over a three week period and about 2,200 young souls made professions of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! To God be the glory! The picture at the beginning of this post shows the kids in their afternoon activities learning to work together as they work themselves across the water on ropes.
It was also such a thrill to be reunited again with our orphans. It has been several months since we left for furlough and so seeing them again was GREAT! They are growing up and changing so much it seems! I was able to help them be able to go on a trip to an island off the coast of Cambodia to do some swimming and fishing.
I want to thank the Stephens family for their kind hospitality, allowing me to stay with them during my trip. It was a great time of fellowship and I miss it already!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
From Cambodia
Hi everyone,
Well, here I am, "live" from Phnom Penh, Cambodia. I am here for a short trip to check on the mission works and the orphans. Things are going well here, praise the Lord! I am encouraged by the strength of spirit in our Cambodian brethren and how they've grown spiritually. They are winning souls and burdened for evangelism. We're in the midst of our evangelistic youth camp right now. We've been able, by your prayers, financial support, and God's grace to send 1,250 youth to this camp. The preaching by Brothers Valdez and Tabanao has been Spirit-filled and the Lord is moving in hearts. The total attendance at the camp to date has been over 4,000 with over 2,000 youth professing faith by receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. Praise the Lord!
Please continue to pray for my wife, Cindy. She had another CT scan last Thursday and will meet with her lung specialist on Wednesday. She is in a lot of pain and she says it is getting worse. I am waiting to hear from her regarding the doctor's intentions on what to do next. We do thank you for your prayers and ask that you please continue to bring her before God's Throne of Grace!
Friday, August 08, 2008
Big Evangelistic Camp Coming Up

We're expecting thousands of youth for our upcoming evangelistic camp this month. I'll be leaving for Cambodia in about a week in order to be there with our group. We're taking 600 youth from our churches to be a part of our evangelistic camp. Please pray for this camp and join with us in spiritual battle as we war against the devil. Satan always tries to stop our camps because Cambodia is territory that he has claimed for centuries, even millenia. Souls of young men and women are all over this battlefield and Satan is fighting to keep their hearts and minds blinded to the liberating gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thanks to Missionary Paul Tabanao for these photos of last month's camp.

Friday, August 01, 2008
Reporting In
Hi everyone, nothing much new to report on Cindy's health situation. She had an outpatient surgery yesterday and they did another biopsy. We're waiting for results.
In the meantime, I will be making a trip to Cambodia around the middle of this month and into the first week of September. Please pray for God's supply for this trip. I have the return portion of my ticket to go there, but need to raise about $1600-2000 for another ticket. We'd appreciate any help with the airline ticket! There are some ministry things that need attention and it is a "must" trip.
One thing coming up is evangelistic camp. We're expecting 5000 to 6000 kids in August to attend a camp with an evangelistic focus. Please pray that thousands of Cambodian youth will be saved during camp in August.
Some of our young men graduated from Bible school last month. They are pictured here.
Sous Sophal

Below: From Left to Right: Nhap Pilot, graduated from Cambodia Baptist Bible College several years ago, and a good second man to me; Suong Vanna (James), 2008 graduate of CBBC, and a church planter starting a church an hour south of Phnom Penh; and Sous Sophal, 2008 graduate of CBBC, and is a tutor/teacher in our orphanage.
In the meantime, I will be making a trip to Cambodia around the middle of this month and into the first week of September. Please pray for God's supply for this trip. I have the return portion of my ticket to go there, but need to raise about $1600-2000 for another ticket. We'd appreciate any help with the airline ticket! There are some ministry things that need attention and it is a "must" trip.
One thing coming up is evangelistic camp. We're expecting 5000 to 6000 kids in August to attend a camp with an evangelistic focus. Please pray that thousands of Cambodian youth will be saved during camp in August.
Some of our young men graduated from Bible school last month. They are pictured here.
Sous Sophal
Below: From Left to Right: Nhap Pilot, graduated from Cambodia Baptist Bible College several years ago, and a good second man to me; Suong Vanna (James), 2008 graduate of CBBC, and a church planter starting a church an hour south of Phnom Penh; and Sous Sophal, 2008 graduate of CBBC, and is a tutor/teacher in our orphanage.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Budapest and the Danube River
Even More Photos From Leah's Trip
Beautiful Gypsy Children
The emptiness of sin is portrayed in this drama. The inability of drugs and drug abuse to satisfy the soul's deep need is portrayed here.
The T.I.M.E. team sits on a hill overlooking a valley inhabited by Gypsy souls in need of Jesus Christ. Pray for the lost souls of Romania!
More Photos From Leah's Romania Trip
What a blessing! About 80 souls received Christ as a result of the T.I.M.E. ministry's evangelistic dramas! These "wordless" dramas are great for the mission field because no one has to learn a foreign language to present the gospel!
Gypsy villagers begin to gather around as the open air evangelistic drama is about to begin
Leah is pictured with the Gypsy women of this village
Leah said that the Romanian countryside was truly a beautiful place! It was a beautiful place of mountains, rolling hills, and farmland.
Leah Is Back From Romania
It sure is great to have Leah back, but honestly, I think she'd get right back on the next plane to Romania! She had a wonderful and blessed trip! About 80 people trusted Christ as a result of the "wordless" gospel dramas that they did! Praise the Lord! The T.I.M.E. teams out of IBB Miami have a great ministry for evangelizing lost people around the world. We've hosted a team in Cambodia and hope to have another team back again someday. Thanks to everyone who prayed and helped to send support for Leah to be on this mission trip. Lord willing, she'll be going to South America next summer.
Leah performs in an evangelistic drama
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Cindy's Bronchoscopy Tomorrow
Well, here's the new info. The PET scan works like this: you take in this glucose solution which is designed to act as "food" for cancer cells and any other "active" hungry cells. Basically, active cells are either cancerous or infectious. Two places in her lungs "lit up" as active. They are located in the left lung near the windpipe. So as of right now, they know that she either has cancer there or she has a very serious infection. The blood work has ruled out infection. Cindy was treated with strong antibiotics last month and so she doesn't think it's an infection. I hope she's wrong, but we'll see. Tomorrow at 1 PM she will have outpatient surgery. They are going to do a bronchoscopy. They will insert a tube through her nose and it will have a camera as well as the ability to take tissue samples for a biopsy. We will meet with the doctor again on Tuesday morning to discuss the results of the biopsy. That's where we stand as of now. We'll update you when we know more. Pray for us as the portion we pay is mounting. Insurance pays for 80% but these tests are $2,000 to $3,000 each. We've had three this month, plus the surgery is coming up tomorrow. I have no idea what that's going to cost.
Thank you for every prayer sent to the throne of grace. God bless ya'll!
Thank you for every prayer sent to the throne of grace. God bless ya'll!
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
More on Cindy's Health
Monday, June 30, 2008
Cambodia Hit Hard By Rice Cost
Please take the time to look at this article and pray for our people in Cambodia
Cindy Went To the Pulmonary Specialist Today
He then talked with us about options. The first option is a needle biopsy. He doesn't like this option because the spot in her lung is too small. He said trying to insert the needle to extract tissue on a small area would be "hit or miss." In addition, he said there's a risk of puncturing her lung. He suggested two things: blood tests to look for signs of a fungus in her lung; and then, a PET scan. Cindy did the blood work today. So, that's done. The PET scan is next Monday morning, July 7th at 9am CDT. The PET scan is different than a CT scan. Cindy will drink some sort of glucose solution and if the places in her lung are cancerous tissue (and in her brain also), then it will show up on the PET scan. The cancer, if that's what it is, will "go to work" on the glucose and show up as such on the test. Then, Cindy will have another follow-up appointment with the pulmonary specialist on the 15th. Please pray that all goes well. We are looking forward to getting back to Cambodia, God willing.
Thanks for all your prayers!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Pulmonary Specialist Appointment
Cindy has an appointment next week with a pulmonary specialist. That's all we know for now. Will let you know more toward the end of next week about what the doctor said. In the meantime, we wait.
As they say on TV, "In other news..." our Cambodian youth camp will be in August. Our cost is about $10 per kid. We need people to sponsor kids for camp. $100 will send ten Cambodian kids to camp. It's an evangelistic camp and a great way for you to see souls saved as a result of your investment. Email me at and I can tell you where to send funds. Thanks and God bless!
As they say on TV, "In other news..." our Cambodian youth camp will be in August. Our cost is about $10 per kid. We need people to sponsor kids for camp. $100 will send ten Cambodian kids to camp. It's an evangelistic camp and a great way for you to see souls saved as a result of your investment. Email me at and I can tell you where to send funds. Thanks and God bless!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Cindy's CT Scan Report
Here's an update on Cindy for the missions office.
We got the results back from the CT scan this afternoon. We fully trust the Lord and all is in His hands. The news was not encouraging. The lesion in her lung that showed up is 19 mm long. He said that lesion is deep. There are also other nodules he mentioned and the largest one is 12 mm. She is being scheduled for a biopsy as soon as possible. We'll update you when we know more. We truly appreciate all your concern and prayers. God bless!
We got the results back from the CT scan this afternoon. We fully trust the Lord and all is in His hands. The news was not encouraging. The lesion in her lung that showed up is 19 mm long. He said that lesion is deep. There are also other nodules he mentioned and the largest one is 12 mm. She is being scheduled for a biopsy as soon as possible. We'll update you when we know more. We truly appreciate all your concern and prayers. God bless!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Update on Cindy's Health
Cindy will have a CT scan tomorrow morning at 8:30. Her doctor
did an x-ray because of some persistent coughing she was having.
When looking at the x-ray, he found a spot on her left lung.
He ordered a CT scan and she'll be having that done tomorrow.
We will keep ya'll updated when we know more.
did an x-ray because of some persistent coughing she was having.
When looking at the x-ray, he found a spot on her left lung.
He ordered a CT scan and she'll be having that done tomorrow.
We will keep ya'll updated when we know more.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Spot On Cindy's Lung
Cindy’s Health
Hey everyone,
Thanks for your prayers for Cindy. She's been having some coughing lately, wouldn't stop, and also some problems in her esophagus, sorta like a reflux problem. She was treated for the cough, doctor gave her antibiotics. Didn't clear up. She went back today. She had an xray done and the doctor noticed a spot on her left lung. So, they ordered a CT scan and it could happen this week. So, please pray.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, is our 25th anniversary.
Hey everyone,
Thanks for your prayers for Cindy. She's been having some coughing lately, wouldn't stop, and also some problems in her esophagus, sorta like a reflux problem. She was treated for the cough, doctor gave her antibiotics. Didn't clear up. She went back today. She had an xray done and the doctor noticed a spot on her left lung. So, they ordered a CT scan and it could happen this week. So, please pray.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, is our 25th anniversary.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Important Ministry Needs
Folks, here are some things that we need to be met as soon as possible. We are asking the Lord to speak to His people about these:
1. Please keep us in prayer as we try to develop a plan for one of our orphans. He's 16, but only in grade 3. He'll not be finishing high school. Our plan is to get him into a job training program. Cost for the training: $600. This is an investment in this orphan's future.
2. Our orphanage needs 2 permits that cost $600 each. One permit is with the Ministry of Interior. The other is with Ministry of Social Affairs. Total need is $1,200.
3. Young preacher and evangelist Chok Kimsan was just admitted to Calmette Hospital for a bleeding ulcer. He's back out at our place now and recovering. He's had some medical expenses, and so far, we've been able to cover those. However, he travels by bicycle back and forth to two or three villages. We really need to help him by getting him a motorcycle. The cost for a used motorcycle for him is $800.
4. Building funds for village churches:
a. Prey Ankunh, $1,500
b. Tro Kiet, $3,000 to build the wall around, bring in fill dirt, and level the ground; $3,500 to put up the building. Total need is $8,000.
5. One of our young preachers, Nhap Pilot, has saved $200 for a laptop computer. He needs $250 more. It takes forever for them to save that kind of money. He is a faithful young man. I couldn't think of another person who is more deserving of help from God's people.
Please make these needs a matter of prayer. As God supplies, we will let you know. Thanks and God bless!
1. Please keep us in prayer as we try to develop a plan for one of our orphans. He's 16, but only in grade 3. He'll not be finishing high school. Our plan is to get him into a job training program. Cost for the training: $600. This is an investment in this orphan's future.
4. Building funds for village churches:
a. Prey Ankunh, $1,500
b. Tro Kiet, $3,000 to build the wall around, bring in fill dirt, and level the ground; $3,500 to put up the building. Total need is $8,000.
5. One of our young preachers, Nhap Pilot, has saved $200 for a laptop computer. He needs $250 more. It takes forever for them to save that kind of money. He is a faithful young man. I couldn't think of another person who is more deserving of help from God's people.
Please make these needs a matter of prayer. As God supplies, we will let you know. Thanks and God bless!
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
3rd of June
We'll be returning to Cambodia in about eight weeks. We miss our people in Cambodia so much, especially the orphans and Bible students.
Cindy's health is about the same. She'll be going back for another MRI on July 7th. Also, she'll be admitted into St. John's for a sleep apnea test. They think she has some sort of sleeping disorder.
There's a lot we need to do for the orphanage property soon. Primarily, we need to:
1. Purchase a diesel generator,
2. Landscape the property.
There's a lot of money needed for those two projects.
In addition, we are still trying to raise some funds to finish two building projects for village churches.
If you have questions or would like to help, please email me at
Cindy's health is about the same. She'll be going back for another MRI on July 7th. Also, she'll be admitted into St. John's for a sleep apnea test. They think she has some sort of sleeping disorder.
There's a lot we need to do for the orphanage property soon. Primarily, we need to:
1. Purchase a diesel generator,
2. Landscape the property.
There's a lot of money needed for those two projects.
In addition, we are still trying to raise some funds to finish two building projects for village churches.
If you have questions or would like to help, please email me at
Sunday, May 18, 2008
The Man God Used To Lead Me To Christ
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Cindy's Health
Cindy will also be going into St. John's Sleep Treatment Center. The neurologist believes that she may have sleep apnea and there's a possible link to her other health problems. Please pray for Cindy.
Reporting From Texas
We are, as most of you know, on furlough in the USA now. But the work and ministry continues in Cambodia as normal. In fact, the work is growing. We have five new believers in Ksach Kandal. We, along with the local pastor there, Bunna, are thrilled at this good news. Pray for them as they grow and become disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Youth camp is coming up in a few months. It costs $10 per youth for us to get them from their villages, register them for camp, and bring them back to their village. Please consider sponsoring a Cambodian youth to go to camp. Last year we had over 2,000 in our evangelistic camp, and hundreds became believers in our Lord as a result of the camp ministry. This is a great spiritual investment! Please help!
Below are a few photos from camp last year.

Youth camp is coming up in a few months. It costs $10 per youth for us to get them from their villages, register them for camp, and bring them back to their village. Please consider sponsoring a Cambodian youth to go to camp. Last year we had over 2,000 in our evangelistic camp, and hundreds became believers in our Lord as a result of the camp ministry. This is a great spiritual investment! Please help!
Below are a few photos from camp last year.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Updates on Leah's Romania Trip
Praise the Lord! Leah is only a few hundred dollars short of having what she needs for her mission trip to Romania! Thanks to all who've given to help her make the trip! God bless you!
"Poutine" On The Furlough Trail
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Mission Conference
Hey everyone,
Here's a report from the furlough road! We are in our home church in Hilton, New York. We've been in a great missions conference here! There are 27 families sent out from our church to mission fields around the world! There aren't many churches in the U.S. that have that many families sent out of their church. We are blessed! Every missionary in the conference was a missionary from our church! It was a great time of good preaching, challenge, and fellowship!
We'll be in NY state and Vermont, and then off to Virginia soon. God bless each of you and thanks for your prayers!
Oh, one more thing, Leah has raised about $1,200 for her Romania missions trip. The balance that she needs to raise is $1,800. Can you please help? Thanks and God bless!
Here's a report from the furlough road! We are in our home church in Hilton, New York. We've been in a great missions conference here! There are 27 families sent out from our church to mission fields around the world! There aren't many churches in the U.S. that have that many families sent out of their church. We are blessed! Every missionary in the conference was a missionary from our church! It was a great time of good preaching, challenge, and fellowship!
We'll be in NY state and Vermont, and then off to Virginia soon. God bless each of you and thanks for your prayers!
Oh, one more thing, Leah has raised about $1,200 for her Romania missions trip. The balance that she needs to raise is $1,800. Can you please help? Thanks and God bless!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Leah's Romania Missions Trip
About $1,000 has come in towards Leah's mission trip to Romania. Praise the Lord! Please continue to pray for God to supply her need! If you can help her, please do! She still lacks $2,000. God bless all of you!
Monday, March 24, 2008
God Supplies The Need To Fix Orphanage Plumbing
I just wanted to announce to everyone that God has supplied the $4,500 to fix the plumbing problems at the Haley's Home orphanage. Praise the Lord!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Cindy's Health
My wife Cindy recently began experiencing episodes of numbness and tingling in her lips, tongue, and sometimes her cheek. She gets nauseous along with these other symptoms. We took her to the doctor in Springfield. She had an MRI done and the doctor has referred her to a neurologist. There are no available appointments to see the neurologist until about a month from now. The MRI revealed that it's possible that she had a "mini-stroke" but they aren't sure. Please pray for her. We will have our 25th wedding anniversary on June 17. I love her and covet your prayers for her health. God bless you!
Please don't forget about doing what you can to help towards Leah's Romania mission trip in June. She needs to raise $3,000 and has $250 as of today. $2,750 to go! She'll be doing evangelistic ministry among the gypsies of Romania.
Also, we still lack about 1/2 of the $4500 we need to fix a serious plumbing problem in the orphanage. They cannot flush a single toilet on the property and have to shower with the water hose outside. Pray that we can get the funds to get this fixed.
Thank you for your love, prayers, and gifts!
Please don't forget about doing what you can to help towards Leah's Romania mission trip in June. She needs to raise $3,000 and has $250 as of today. $2,750 to go! She'll be doing evangelistic ministry among the gypsies of Romania.
Also, we still lack about 1/2 of the $4500 we need to fix a serious plumbing problem in the orphanage. They cannot flush a single toilet on the property and have to shower with the water hose outside. Pray that we can get the funds to get this fixed.
Thank you for your love, prayers, and gifts!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Updates on Leah's Romania Trip and Orphanage Damage
Hi everyone,
Here's a quick update on the progress of funds for Leah's Romania mission trip expenses. So far about $250 has come in, so she is still lacking $2750. Please help her meet her goal so that she'll be able to get her money in on time. She appreciates everything you can do to help!
Funds are coming in for the orphanage plumbing repairs. We don't have all of the funds needed yet and I don't have the exact amount that's come in in front of me, but we have about half of the $4500 we need to fix the plumbing.
Please help towards these two needs! Thanks and God bless each one of you!
Here's a quick update on the progress of funds for Leah's Romania mission trip expenses. So far about $250 has come in, so she is still lacking $2750. Please help her meet her goal so that she'll be able to get her money in on time. She appreciates everything you can do to help!
Funds are coming in for the orphanage plumbing repairs. We don't have all of the funds needed yet and I don't have the exact amount that's come in in front of me, but we have about half of the $4500 we need to fix the plumbing.
Please help towards these two needs! Thanks and God bless each one of you!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Big Immediate Need

Billy and Cindy Haas
BBFI Missions Office
P.O. Box 191
Springfield, MO 65801
Make checks out to BBFI Missions. Then, include a note stating that the gift is for Haas/orphanage repair. Mail to the above address. Your gift is tax-deductible. BBFI is a 501(c)3 organization so your gift is tax-deductible. Please help the orphanage! Thank you and God bless you!
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Help Leah Go To Romania
Leah needs to raise $3000 for this trip. Please help her get the money required to go on this mission. You can send funds to us through the missions office.
1. Make check payable to BBFI Missions.
2. Include a note or write on the memo field of the check that it's for "Haas/Leah/Romania"
3. Send to BBFI Mission Office, P.O. Box 191, Springfield, MO 65801.
This is a great opportunity to be a big blessing to an MK (missionary kid)! God bless you!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Miami Power Outage
Well, we show up in Miami and the power goes out from Key West up to Daytona Beach. Sounds like Cambodia to me! Power is back on and all is well. Seems like a switch failed somewhere and then the power began going down like dominoes.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Update From The Hospital
Cindy's mom is still in the hospital. She'll be here for awhile. Cindy talked with her mom's doctor this morning and got a better idea of what he's thinking. She'll need someone to look after her and take care of her from now on. She'll probably be able to go home eventually, but cannot live alone. Please pray for Cindy and her brothers and sisters as they will be discussing all of this in the next few days.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Old Laptop Laid To Rest
Well, here's a quick update on the laptop computer. The computer tech called me to ask me to come by and "claim the body." So, we're going to have to get a new one. It's been ordered and is on it's way to us. We're in Florida now and so we are having it shipped to where we are. Gotta get my data off the old hard drive.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Making A Mess A Bigger Mess

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Present Ministry Needs
Every now and then, it is needful for me to inform you about the ministry needs we have. There are needs in Cambodia and needs here as we begin our furlough. We have some equipment needs as we begin to travel from church to church telling about the ministry in Cambodia.
In Cambodia, there are some pressing needs. Let me enumerate them:
1. We have a dire situation right now with plumbing. Pipes have broken both in the ceilings and under the ground floor which is going to require tearing up the ceilings and the floor tiles to get to them. This is an extreme emergency because water is going everywhere. But we need $650 to repair this mess and we don't have it. Please help us with this.
2. One of our churches has been given a parcel of land. A donation from Texas of $1,000 was given to build a simple church building. But we are going to have to bring in truckloads of fill dirt to raise and then level the land. If this isn't done, then the church will flood every year. Pre-construction costs like this will run about another $1,000.
3. Our ministry needs a couple of motorcycles for some young church planters who must travel from Phnom Penh to rural villages preaching the gospel. Each motorcycle costs about $650.
4. The mission in Ksach Kandal is under the leadership of Bro. Seng Bunna. Bunna is one of our young men, who heard the gospel and came to us at the end of a service, wanting to be saved. He graduated from Cambodia Baptist Bible College. Now he's got about 100 people meeting each Sunday in Ksach Kandal. He is in need of chairs for his church. Each chair costs about $5.
Each one of these needs is immediate. In other words, the water is leaking and causing mildew to the building in Phnom Penh right now. The church in Tro Kiet wants to put their building up now, before the rainy season begins in June. But they need to get this land filled and leveled soon. They need motorcycles now so that they can stop using motorcycle taxis or borrowing someone else's. And finally, those people in Ksach Kandal need a chair to sit on. Please help these folks! God bless you!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
On the Furlough Trail
Furlough "ought" to be a time mostly of rest, but it isn't. It is, for us, a time to raise more support and also, to raise project funds. We are trying to raise funds to do some needed building repairs, build some village churches, buy two motorscooters for Cambodian preachers, and pay license fees for our orphanage. These are immediate needs. We currently need about $3,000 to meet all these needs. There are many other needs that we hope to raise funds for over the next five months. Please, if you can, help in some way to meet these needs. God bless you! Thank you!
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