Hi everyone,
Well, here I am, "live" from Phnom Penh, Cambodia. I am here for a short trip to check on the mission works and the orphans. Things are going well here, praise the Lord! I am encouraged by the strength of spirit in our Cambodian brethren and how they've grown spiritually. They are winning souls and burdened for evangelism. We're in the midst of our evangelistic youth camp right now. We've been able, by your prayers, financial support, and God's grace to send 1,250 youth to this camp. The preaching by Brothers Valdez and Tabanao has been Spirit-filled and the Lord is moving in hearts. The total attendance at the camp to date has been over 4,000 with over 2,000 youth professing faith by receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. Praise the Lord!
Please continue to pray for my wife, Cindy. She had another CT scan last Thursday and will meet with her lung specialist on Wednesday. She is in a lot of pain and she says it is getting worse. I am waiting to hear from her regarding the doctor's intentions on what to do next. We do thank you for your prayers and ask that you please continue to bring her before God's Throne of Grace!
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