Folks, there is an immediate and huge financial need for the orphanage building. I just received the estimate for repairing the plumbing and other things damaged due to leaking pipes. The cost will be $4,500. That amount factors in constantly rising construction materials cost in Cambodia. Can your please help us with this? It is a crisis. I hate to use that word because it is so misused and overused. However, they cannot flush the toilets or take showers until this is done. We need your help immediately. Water is leaking everywhere, even under the building and if it isn't fixed, then it'll affect the foundation. This is urgent. Please send your donation as soon as possible to:
Billy and Cindy Haas
BBFI Missions Office
P.O. Box 191
Springfield, MO 65801
Make checks out to BBFI Missions. Then, include a note stating that the gift is for Haas/orphanage repair. Mail to the above address. Your gift is tax-deductible. BBFI is a 501(c)3 organization so your gift is tax-deductible. Please help the orphanage! Thank you and God bless you!
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