Well, we have appointments at the doctor next week in Thailand. Here's the new problem: it's the monsoon season here and the road is impassable. We have received torrential rains in the past three or four days and now there are as many as 300-400 buses stuck in the mud. Wreckers have gone to tow them all and the wreckers are now stuck. That leaves us with two options: Go by way of land and boat and spend $400 for our roundtrip and it takes two days. Or option #2, spend $800 and fly and it takes 55 minutes. We're leaning to option #1 and saving the $400. We would go by bus to the coast, take a boat to Koh Kong, go through the Cambodia/Thai border. Head to the Thai town of Trat, spend the night, and go on to Bangkok the next day. Isn't it amazing that it takes so long to go a distance that only takes 55 minute to fly? But it's a whole lot cheaper.
Taking the road that got washed out would have only cost us $80 roundtrip for the whole family! But the road is impassable and looks to stay that way for awhile. Pray that the Lord will give us wisdom as to how to proceed. We need to make this trip for medical reasons.
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