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Friday, July 08, 2005


This is all brand new to me, but some other colleagues of mine told me about "blogging." So here goes! Basically, I am doing this to provide a way for us to communicate to our friends and supporters. Using the "weblog" method, we can even provide daily updates sometimes. We can do a lot more in the way of instant communication.

I wish I could start this blog by telling you that it was a great day in Cambodia today! It was "one of those days" I guess you could say. But God is so good! Even a day that started out bad and had some bumps along the way ended up really good. I taught Bible to the orphans tonight and they really responded well. I am telling them Bible stories and tonight I talked about Adam and Eve in the garden. We got as far as Cain and Abel, and they really enjoyed it. The exciting part is how they answered the questions I gave them.

Serving the Lord in Cambodia,
Billy Haas

1 comment:

Billy Haas said...

Hey Bob and Bonnie,
Glad to hear the encouraging words! You are such as blessing! Pray for us as we train the orphans. As the old song says, "Little is much when God is in it! Labor not for wealth or fame. There's a crown and you win it, if you go in Jesus' name!"
