Praise God for a generous and loving donor who has given $15,000 towards our ongoing need for construction funds! The balance needed to finish all construction is now $31,788. It's exciting to see what the Lord is doing to help finish this labour of love! If you scroll down a few posts back, you will see the itemized list of things we are trying to pay for! The amount we needed was $46,788, but with this gift, it's now $31,788!
You can see in the photos that the structure is going up nicely. Our family is excited as we watch the place change day by day, week by week. It will be worth it all when the new place is filled with needy orphans. God has called us to reach their hearts with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

God willing, we will be in our new orphanage by April or May. Please pray for this work, and especially for the rest of the funds to come in.