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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

3 Days Until Christmas

Christmas greetings from Cambodia! The weather is actually quite cool and nice here, dipping into the high 60's now for overnight lows. For Cambodia, "it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!" We did get one Christmas "surprise" today. We took the van to the garage today for repairs. The front end is all messed up: shocks need replacing, tie rods, and clutch needs work. All in all, the damage is about $500.

We are gearing up for a big Christmas service this Sunday with a Christmas play and dinner after the service. We'd appreciate your prayers for our service on Christmas morning. We are expecting over 100 people for the service, Lord willing. We're giving out Christmas presents to the orphans and also to the poorer kids around the church. This is a great blessing to us! God uses this to open the hearts of the parents to listen to the gospel.

Please do continue to pray about helping with the many needs! We are still needing monthly support for the orphanage. We still lack about five thousand dollars to finish the church building. And, we are trying to raise funds to purchase two motorcycles. This is God's work and we trust that He will touch hearts to provide for every need.


Anonymous said...

Hi Billy,

I was teaching my friend how to surf the Internet today because she got a new laptop for Christmas. We found your site by searching for "missionary" in Wikipedia and found a link. We would just like to show our appreciation for the work you are doing in Cambodia. Also, my friend has a question: Are you affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention? Thank you for your time and for sharing your experiences.

Billy Haas said...

Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate you taking the time to comment. We are independent Baptists and share the core beliefs of Southern Baptists such as the deity of Christ, salvation by grace through faith, the Trinity, and the Baptist distinctives. We do have many Southern Baptist friends and supporters.