This is one of our orphans. His name is Tut. But this picture was taken a little over a year ago. This picture was taken on his first day in the orphanage. He was sick. He was hungry. He was scared. Here is his story. Tut's mother died of HIV/AIDS-related illness. We are told that she may have been a prostitute. When she died, another woman with two sons took him in off the street. Soon after, this mother died also. Now three boys were left without a mother. There wasn't a father in any of these situations. So, with no one to care for them, they headed out into the streets of Phnom Penh. We learned of their plight as they trudged down the street in front of the church. Dragging burlap bags behind them, they scavenged the sides of the street for cans and bottles. This was their way of finding something of value to sell so that they would have something to eat that day. We began to talk to them and find out where they came from. Then we went to that area and began to ask around. We finally found an aged grandmother and some neighbors who knew them. We did the necessary paperwork and brought them into our care. Pray for these boys: Sut (the oldest), Pov, and Tut (pictured in this post).
Now, here's the change! Here is Tut in a photo taken yesterday. What an amazing change! To God be the glory!

The Haas ministry is a joy and inspiration to behold. Your blogsite is fantastic. Tut's recovery is wonderful & dramatic. I wish you could bring a boatload of these precious children to Rochester. FBBC members could adopt them, and still allow the kids to see each other & socialize. {I'm sure there are government strictures in this regard -there in Phnom Penh- which would make this difficult or impossible.} Nevertheless, Billy, you're doing an amazing job.....literally bringing hope & life to Cambodia, not to mention grace & truth! We are praying for ALL OF YOU and sending a check to BBFI Missions for the Haas Ministry (Cambodian Orphanage). I Samuel 12:24
Rachel, Oliver & Gloria
Hi Rachel, nice to hear from you and thanks for posting a comment. This is what I had hoped would happen with the blog. Yes, Tut's change is very dramatic. Last night we were having devotions and I was talking about light and darkness. Being afraid of the dark was a big part of what I was talking about. I said, "What do we know when we think there are monsters in our room?" And Tut said in a loud voice, "Pray!" Thank you in advance for the financial help. We are always running short of needed funds. We do the best we can with what we have. God bless you!
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