I hope you're sitting down for this one! About two hours ago, Cindy needed to go buy bread. She went out to the van with a few of the boys. I was getting supper ready in the kitchen and all of a sudden I heard doors slamming and Cindy screaming. Before I could stop what I was doing, Cindy came tearing into the kitchen like a woman on fire! "Rat! Rat! Rat in the van!" She had opened the driver's side door and there to greet her was Willard the rat. So, we all went on the search for the rat. We checked up under the seats, the glovebox, the area behind the radio, the airconditioning ducts and vents, and the engine compartment. No rat. Four people saw the rat. But no one saw the rat escape. So, Cindy bravely boarded the van and drove the ten minutes to the place to buy bread.
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