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Friday, August 18, 2006

Victory at Evangelistic Camp!

Hundreds of teens listened intently, many hearing the gospel for the first time.

From our two churches and two village missions, we had 36 young people baptized. Here are all but six of those who were baptized. We had six who wandered off before we took the picture.

Our youth here are "on fire" for God after two weeks of youth camp! We just finished our second camp, which had an evangelistic focus. Greg Lyons, Roger Akers, and a team from Manila, Philippines came and did an outstanding job of presenting the gospel through music, drama, and preaching. 831 young people attended this evangelistic camp! The news gets even BETTER! 329 youth trusted Christ as Lord and Saviour!! We had a baptismal service at camp and we baptized our newly saved youth. 136 were baptized. On the final day, 53 young people registered to study in one of our Bible Institutes and Colleges! We want to say thank you to the Rawlings Foundation for helping make this camp possible!

We sent 111 teens to camp from our own four churches and missions. We're all excited about what the Lord is doing in the hearts of our youth! We are already planning follow-up with these youth and making our 100% best effort to "strike while the iron is hot." We really need your prayers! To God be the glory!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Youth Camp

Some of our youth from Capitol City Baptist Church

This year we are having two youth camps. The first one, held last week, was directed toward believers. Over 400 youth camp were in camp last week. About 50 surrendered their lives to serve the Lord in ministry and committed to attend Bible College. This coming week we will have our evangelistic camp. Camp Leaders are expecting nearly 1,000 youth for an evangelistic camp. We will take over 100 youth to the evangelistic camp from our four churches and missions. Please pray this week that the gospel would reach their hearts and that many would be saved. Also pray that all the costs of the camp would be met. It costs us about $200 to transport the kids from the villages and then back to the villages after camp is finished. We have to rent vans for this. So pray that God will meet this need. I'll update you about camp results at the end of this week. Thank you and God bless you all!

Students Get Help

We want to say "Praise the Lord" and a big thanks to those who pray and give to help support this ministry! The need I mentioned last week for the two students, Sophal and Bunna, has been met. Thank you so much for all your love and concern for this work!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Update from Kuala Lumpur

Leah and Kayla at the entrance to Petaling Market in Chinatown, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

We are in Kuala Lumpur now for Cindy's regular melanoma checkups. She has regular visits to two doctors: an opthalmalogist and a skin specialist. The opthalmalogist checks the tumor in her left eye and examines it for any raising, color changes, or changes in texture and size. It did grow a little, but there is nothing about which the doctor thinks we should be concerned. So, that's good news. Cindy visited the skin specialist this morning and she has many basal cell carcinomas but none are malignant melanoma. The skin specialist said that Cindy has reduce her visits now to every six months instead of every four, unless she discovers something that needs attention. The opthalmalogist wants to continue the "every four months" routine that we are used to. So, Lord willing, it appears we'll be back in Kuala Lumpur around Christmas time for the opthalmalogist.

We do appreciate your prayers in regards to our health needs. Thank you and God bless you all!