This open door came at the right time for the Williams family and for us. Cindy still has some ongoing medical issues that are continuing to be treated at Dallas area doctors and hospitals. We are close enough to be able to travel freely to the Choctaw Nation while still living in the Dallas metro area.
Specifically, we will be working with Bro. Williams and his associate missionary, Bro. Sonny Dense. Bro. Sonny has been having some diabetes-related health issues. He needed some help and the Lord brought us all together. We've been asked to come in and assist the Choctaw Baptist mission work in Swink, Oklahoma. It's a blessing to be able to help these brothers as we plant and establish churches together. We have committed to helping these brother missionaries for a length of one year and during this time, we will seek the Lord's direction for future Native American ministry.
It's a blessing to talk with many pastors and receive assurances of continuing prayer and financial support. God bless you all!
I do have some prayer requests:
1. Car trouble: We have a suspension problem with our car and need funds to repair it. It will cost about $500.
2. We need to raise additional support. Could your church help us with additional support to conduct this mission work among the Native American Indians of North America?
3. I won't give the names, but there are some youth in our Choctaw churches and missions that need prayer. Their lives are marked tragically by abuse. Only the Lord God can heal these hurts. Please pray for the youth of Choctaw Baptist.