Friday, December 25, 2009
Leah's Trip
Monday, November 30, 2009
New and Helpful Information Regarding Leah's Mission Trip
Prestonwood Christian Academy
6801 West Park Blvd.
Plano, TX 75093
Attn: Development Dept.
Leah Haas
Please email us to let us know that you donated through the school's Development Dept. You can email us at
Thanks and God bless you all!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Leah's Youth Mission Trip
Many of you have helped towards Leah's mission trips in the past. We wanted to mention it in case you'd like to help again. She's been to Romania and to another country which shall not be named. In "the unnamed country" she personally led 13 souls to the Lord Jesus Christ during an 8 day trip. Cindy and I are thrilled about her love for the Lord and for mission work. If you would like to help Leah, she needs about $2,000 to make the trip. She has to make monthly payments in October, November, December and January. The trip will be in March. Please email me at and we can tell you how you can contribute to sending Leah to another "country which may be named later." We'll hear more about it heaven one day! Her fire and passion for missions is a blessing to us. Thanks and God bless!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Report From The Rez
I am presently helping a struggling church on the Chippewa reservation up in Northern Wisconsin. These folks are a sweet bunch of Native American saints. My prayer is that I'll be able to do a small part to encourage them to keep on keeping on for the Lord Jesus Christ. Here are some photos of the people and the surrounding area.
Seated next to a real prayer "warrior" for the Lord Jesus Christ!
Buddy and Ed, good and faithful men in the church
Beautiful Wisconsin lake
Great fall colors

Thieves Steal Ministry Motorcycles!
Brother Pilot emailed me yesterday and informed me that thieves entered the orphanage property and stole both motorcycles used by the orphanage and by the young men who are planting churches in the rural villages. This is a devastating thing to our Cambodian brethren who are preaching the gospel and starting churches. Two motorcycles over there will cost about $1,500 each to replace. If you or your church can help, that would be a tremendous help to these brothers in Christ! Here are some pictures of the Tro Kiet First Bible Baptist Church and some recent improvements made to the building. By God's grace and the help of my dear friend from Colorado, they were able to put in a cement slab and build some benches for the church. Praise the Lord!
There is a really great children's ministry going out there in Tro Kiet, as well as about 25 adults worshipping the Lord and learning the Bible!
Here you can see the cement slab and the new benches.
A view of the new cement slab and new benches for the Tro Kiet First Bible Baptist Church
Every year we try to give out some school supplies to the Cambodian children in many villages of rural Cambodia

Update On Cindy's Health
CIndy had two doctor appointments today. The first one was at the dermatologist which handles her melanoma issues. She wants Cindy to have this test done, but trouble is, the place where it's done won't take insurance (which is weird). You just have to pay out of pocket and I think Cindy said they want $300 to do the test. Then Cindy went to the other doctor who deals with the lung and heart problems. He said that her lungs look good and that he doesn't need to see her anymore. So, that's good. So, the synopsis is that we need to focus on the melanoma skin cancer issue now. That doctor said that Cindy needs this medical creme to apply to her face or she's going to eventually have some rather unsightly holes on her face.
Well, we'd appreciate your prayers about all of this. I've got a couple of weeks left before I return home. I'm on the Chippewa reservation doing some pulpit supply for a really needy and struggling church.
Well, we'd appreciate your prayers about all of this. I've got a couple of weeks left before I return home. I'm on the Chippewa reservation doing some pulpit supply for a really needy and struggling church.
Friday, October 09, 2009
New Orphan Photos
I thought many of you might like to see the most recent photos of some of the orphans in Cambodia. Even though we are now primarily ministering to Native Americans/First Nations indigenous people, we are still doing all we can to help out the orphan ministry we established in Cambodia. There are always more needs than we can possibly meet. If you'd like to help, just drop me an email at 

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Field Change
I just returned from Canton, Ohio, where I attended the National BBFI Fellowship meeting. We met with the Missions Committee and changed our field from Cambodia to Potawatomi Indians. We truly appreciate all your kind words, encouragement, and prayers. It has been a difficult time with Cindy's illnesses.
It was good to be able to have some fellowship with pastors and missionaries in Canton. Other missionaries tell of the same struggles that we've been experiencing. Some missionaries have resigned and become pastors here in the U.S. Others have had to stay off the field longer in order to raise more support.
I'm going to begin taking meetings to raise more support. Please email me at in order to arrange a date for us to visit your church. God bless you all!
It was good to be able to have some fellowship with pastors and missionaries in Canton. Other missionaries tell of the same struggles that we've been experiencing. Some missionaries have resigned and become pastors here in the U.S. Others have had to stay off the field longer in order to raise more support.
I'm going to begin taking meetings to raise more support. Please email me at in order to arrange a date for us to visit your church. God bless you all!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
News From Cambodia
Sophal, one of our orphans, and holds the distinction of being our first boy, led 30 people to Christ in the month of August! To God be the glory! We're so happy for his growth in the Lord and His concern for souls.
According to information received from a missionary colleague in Cambodia, the annual evangelistic camp was a great spiritual victory! From August 2nd to September 5th, there were five weeks of evangelistic camps. During that time, 13,077 people attended the camp. 2,667 precious souls responded to the plain and straight gospel message by trusting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. To God be the glory! Praise the Lord for the local churches who worked so hard to get these souls to the camp. Now pray as the churches conduct follow-up and discipleship ministry among these new believers. Thanks must go out to the Rawlings Foundation for sponsorships and for the use of their facilities to conduct the camp. Many of the men we've trained were the preachers for this 2009 Evangelistic Youth Camp. Pray for these young men as they boldly proclaim the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ across Cambodia!
Cambodia Baptist Bible College graduated 3 young ladies and 6 young men this year! The three young ladies were from our church and three of the six young men were also from our church. We are thankful to the Lord for their diligence and faithfulness to "stick it out" and finish Bible school. Now they need your prayers as they take the gospel into Cambodia and beyond.

Cambodia Baptist Bible College graduated 3 young ladies and 6 young men this year! The three young ladies were from our church and three of the six young men were also from our church. We are thankful to the Lord for their diligence and faithfulness to "stick it out" and finish Bible school. Now they need your prayers as they take the gospel into Cambodia and beyond.
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Ministry Among Oklahoma Indians
God has opened a door of ministry for us among the Choctaw Indians of Southeast Oklahoma. We'll be working with and assisting Bob and Cala Williams in the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. There is so much that needs to be done! In just a month, we have seen the tragic result of drunkenness and abuse in the lives of many young people in this region.
This open door came at the right time for the Williams family and for us. Cindy still has some ongoing medical issues that are continuing to be treated at Dallas area doctors and hospitals. We are close enough to be able to travel freely to the Choctaw Nation while still living in the Dallas metro area.
Specifically, we will be working with Bro. Williams and his associate missionary, Bro. Sonny Dense. Bro. Sonny has been having some diabetes-related health issues. He needed some help and the Lord brought us all together. We've been asked to come in and assist the Choctaw Baptist mission work in Swink, Oklahoma. It's a blessing to be able to help these brothers as we plant and establish churches together. We have committed to helping these brother missionaries for a length of one year and during this time, we will seek the Lord's direction for future Native American ministry.
It's a blessing to talk with many pastors and receive assurances of continuing prayer and financial support. God bless you all!
I do have some prayer requests:
1. Car trouble: We have a suspension problem with our car and need funds to repair it. It will cost about $500.
2. We need to raise additional support. Could your church help us with additional support to conduct this mission work among the Native American Indians of North America?
3. I won't give the names, but there are some youth in our Choctaw churches and missions that need prayer. Their lives are marked tragically by abuse. Only the Lord God can heal these hurts. Please pray for the youth of Choctaw Baptist.
This open door came at the right time for the Williams family and for us. Cindy still has some ongoing medical issues that are continuing to be treated at Dallas area doctors and hospitals. We are close enough to be able to travel freely to the Choctaw Nation while still living in the Dallas metro area.
Specifically, we will be working with Bro. Williams and his associate missionary, Bro. Sonny Dense. Bro. Sonny has been having some diabetes-related health issues. He needed some help and the Lord brought us all together. We've been asked to come in and assist the Choctaw Baptist mission work in Swink, Oklahoma. It's a blessing to be able to help these brothers as we plant and establish churches together. We have committed to helping these brother missionaries for a length of one year and during this time, we will seek the Lord's direction for future Native American ministry.
It's a blessing to talk with many pastors and receive assurances of continuing prayer and financial support. God bless you all!
I do have some prayer requests:
1. Car trouble: We have a suspension problem with our car and need funds to repair it. It will cost about $500.
2. We need to raise additional support. Could your church help us with additional support to conduct this mission work among the Native American Indians of North America?
3. I won't give the names, but there are some youth in our Choctaw churches and missions that need prayer. Their lives are marked tragically by abuse. Only the Lord God can heal these hurts. Please pray for the youth of Choctaw Baptist.

Ministry Transition
Cindy and I, along with Leah and Kayla, would like to thank you for your faithful prayers during what has been a very trying time. Cindy’s health battle has been really tough. First, she contracted TB. She’s been treated and is now cured. However, she is now being treated for degenerative disk disease, bulging disks, and fibromyalgia. And then there’s the ongoing problem of melanoma. Cindy is going to continue to need medical care here in the U.S. Through all of this, God has shown us that we should make the U.S. our base of ministry operations. God has confirmed this in our hearts in so many ways, it is amazing! God's power and presence through all of this has been so clearly evident.
The orphanage has been transferred to the direction of fellow missionaries, Drs. Leo and Mary Tago. The children are in excellent care. If you are supporting orphans, we are still forwarding your help on to Cambodia for their care. The same goes for supporting church planters in Cambodia.
On the U.S. spiritual battlefront, we will now be working with indigenous Native American Indians . We trust that you will continue to support us as we continue to serve our Lord in this needy ministry.
Sometimes we wonder why things happen the way they do, but it’s during those times we truly learn what Romans 8:28 means! We put a lot of hard work into Cambodia, seeing over 2,000 souls saved in our ministries, not to mention the over 10,000 we’ve witnessed come to Christ through the cooperative efforts of our missionaries in youth camps, conferences, and sports outreach programs! We miss Cambodia. Please continue to pray for us and continue to support us as we take the gospel to a neglected people group right here in our own backyard: The tribes of Native North American Indians.
In Christ,
The Haas Family
Billy, Cindy, Leah, and Kayla
The orphanage has been transferred to the direction of fellow missionaries, Drs. Leo and Mary Tago. The children are in excellent care. If you are supporting orphans, we are still forwarding your help on to Cambodia for their care. The same goes for supporting church planters in Cambodia.
On the U.S. spiritual battlefront, we will now be working with indigenous Native American Indians . We trust that you will continue to support us as we continue to serve our Lord in this needy ministry.
Sometimes we wonder why things happen the way they do, but it’s during those times we truly learn what Romans 8:28 means! We put a lot of hard work into Cambodia, seeing over 2,000 souls saved in our ministries, not to mention the over 10,000 we’ve witnessed come to Christ through the cooperative efforts of our missionaries in youth camps, conferences, and sports outreach programs! We miss Cambodia. Please continue to pray for us and continue to support us as we take the gospel to a neglected people group right here in our own backyard: The tribes of Native North American Indians.
In Christ,
The Haas Family
Billy, Cindy, Leah, and Kayla
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Cambodia Baptist Bible College Graduation 2009
Some of our young men and young women successfully completed their studies at the Cambodia Baptist Bible College this year.
Here are some pictures of those who came from our mission churches. Six of the nine graduates were from mission works started and developed by myself, Bro. Seyhar, and Bro. Pilot. We thank the Lord for their faithfulness.

Bro. Din Sothean bows in respect as he graduates. Bro. Sothean is starting a church in Tro Kiet. He's doing a good job for the Lord.

Pictured to the left are two of the three girls who faithfully completed the requirements and graduated. Pray that these single girls will have grace to bear up to the pressures of unsaved family. They'll be pressured to enter into "arranged" marriages to unsaved men. Please pray for them!

Bro. Vannak took awhile longer than most, but like the tortoise in the famous fable, he did just fine!

Cambodia Baptist Bible College Class of 2009

CBBC Student Body: July 2009
Here are some pictures of those who came from our mission churches. Six of the nine graduates were from mission works started and developed by myself, Bro. Seyhar, and Bro. Pilot. We thank the Lord for their faithfulness.
Bro. Din Sothean bows in respect as he graduates. Bro. Sothean is starting a church in Tro Kiet. He's doing a good job for the Lord.
Pictured to the left are two of the three girls who faithfully completed the requirements and graduated. Pray that these single girls will have grace to bear up to the pressures of unsaved family. They'll be pressured to enter into "arranged" marriages to unsaved men. Please pray for them!
Bro. Vannak took awhile longer than most, but like the tortoise in the famous fable, he did just fine!
Cambodia Baptist Bible College Class of 2009
CBBC Student Body: July 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Melanoma and Trip to Cambodia
Cindy had a malignant melanoma removed from her back on Friday. She is recovering and doing well. Continue to pray for her health. She is also suffering from lupus and two bulging disks. I just returned from Cambodia the day before Cindy's surgery. I'm still wiped out from the trip and the jet lag. Even as I type this, I am nodding off to sleep.
Here are some photos from the trip to Cambodia.
The children of the Tro Kiet mission

Ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new property and building at Tro Kiet Mission

Some of the adults at Tro Kiet enjoy a snack after the service.
Here are some photos from the trip to Cambodia.
Ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new property and building at Tro Kiet Mission
Some of the adults at Tro Kiet enjoy a snack after the service.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Update On Cindy's Health
It's been a long time since we've posted on here and I'm sorry for that. Cindy went to the dermatologist today to be checked again for melanoma. They found a "mole" on her back that concerned the doctor so she removed it and sent it out for a biopsy. Also, Cindy has some "pre-cancerous" lesions on her upper cheek just under her left eye. They are going to watch that one closely. The dermatologist prescribed Carac for topical treatment.
Cindy also went to see the rheumatologist and they did a whole lot of blood work. They will have the results in about two weeks. They are checking for everything including cancer. Depending on the results, they may have Cindy do another MRI, but this time focusing on her lower spine.
Please continue to pray! Thanks and God bless!
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Broken Bodies, Broken Car
Well, I was out of town the other day. While I was gone, Cindy fell and hurt her wrist. Then, on top of that,
the car wouldn't start or go into gear. She had to call a tow truck. So, the car is in the shop. Will find out
what is wrong with it tomorrow. In the meantime, I'm borrowing a vehicle for a few days. Pray that we can
get our car fixed for a reasonable price. Also, we need another vehicle as well. Cindy can't travel due to her
doctor appointments and ongoing treatments. When I need to go preach or be in a mission conference, I have
no vehicle to get there. We are looking to the Lord to lead us to the right vehicle. Please pray with us about this.
the car wouldn't start or go into gear. She had to call a tow truck. So, the car is in the shop. Will find out
what is wrong with it tomorrow. In the meantime, I'm borrowing a vehicle for a few days. Pray that we can
get our car fixed for a reasonable price. Also, we need another vehicle as well. Cindy can't travel due to her
doctor appointments and ongoing treatments. When I need to go preach or be in a mission conference, I have
no vehicle to get there. We are looking to the Lord to lead us to the right vehicle. Please pray with us about this.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Cindy's Medical Situation
I thought I'd give you an update on how Cindy is doing. She is still undergoing treatment for the lung problem. That treatment will continue on into spring. The biggest thing she's facing now is a neuro-muscular disorder that is causing her tremendous daily pain. She was in so much pain yesterday that she was unable to attend church. She has an appointment to see a rheumatologist in March. Please continue to pray for her. Her latest blood tests indicated that the cause of her pain could be a disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or fibromyalgia. I'll update you here on the blog as we get more information. God bless you all and thank you for your prayers!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tro Kiet Church Construction
Hi everyone,
The church construction is now underway in Tro Kiet. Now that the rainy, monsoon season has passed, it's time to be underway. I'm attaching photos of the project thus far. The land was very low-lying and susceptible to flooding. We've had soil brought in to raise the level of the land. Next step is to put up a fence around the property. We hope that you enjoy the photos below.

The soil has been brought in by the dumptruck load and ground level has been raised to guard against flooding.

Pictured here are some of the church folks. The lady in the middle with the blue hat is the church member who donated the land to the church. She has a burden for her people and her home village. It was a tremendous sacrifice to give the land.

Church planters Ly Kimlong and Din Sothean

Din Sothean and Nhap Pilot

Dump truck begins to bring in soil to fill the land.
The church construction is now underway in Tro Kiet. Now that the rainy, monsoon season has passed, it's time to be underway. I'm attaching photos of the project thus far. The land was very low-lying and susceptible to flooding. We've had soil brought in to raise the level of the land. Next step is to put up a fence around the property. We hope that you enjoy the photos below.
The soil has been brought in by the dumptruck load and ground level has been raised to guard against flooding.
Pictured here are some of the church folks. The lady in the middle with the blue hat is the church member who donated the land to the church. She has a burden for her people and her home village. It was a tremendous sacrifice to give the land.
Church planters Ly Kimlong and Din Sothean
Din Sothean and Nhap Pilot
Dump truck begins to bring in soil to fill the land.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The Latest On Cindy's Health
Cindy's meds have been reduced from nine pills daily to six pills daily. They will be doing a CT scan in the next few weeks to see what's going on inside her lungs. Also, Cindy's been having some chest pains again, so the doctor ordered a stress test. She'll be doing that in the next few days. I know, "when it rains, it pours," but as some of you know, she has two bulging discs in her lower spine. In addition, she has some muscle tissue pain in her lower back area. We do appreciate all your prayers. Please pray for the Lord's healing touch on Cindy.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Christmas in Cambodia 2008
This little guy was able to enjoy a nice Christmas thanks to your help! I know that times are financially hard, but we do appreciate your help to make Christmas special
for these Cambodian boys and girls!
A good crowd of folks were in attendance for the Christmas program. Several were saved at the close of the service. A girl that Leah had witnessed to awhile back is now coming to church and was able to attend the Christmas program. Her parents are Buddhist, as are most people in Cambodia.
God bless you all! Please continue to pray for Cindy's health as we continue this "extended" furlough.
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