We aren't completely finished with the construction, but went ahead with the dedication for the new Haley's Home orphanage. Pastor Steve Baskin, his daughter Karri-Marie, and Dr. and Mrs. Jack Baskin were in attendance to dedicate the new orphan center. It was a wonderful ceremony with good singing from Karri and the orphans. Gen. Heng Vuthy and Mr. Kien Khea both gave testimonies regarding the work of helping orphans in Cambodia. Pastor Steve and his daughter Karri talked about Haley and how her dream was to minister to orphans in Cambodia. Then Dr. Baskin preached a short message. We had about 80 people attend the ceremony on a beautiful, sunny day in Phnom Penh.
Our deadline for construction funds is about 30 days away. Please pray that the remaining $26,788 will come in so that we can make our final payment on time. Also, pray for funds to furnish and equip the new orphanage. We depend on God to touch your hearts to take care of orphan boys and girls in Cambodia! God bless you!