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Friday, June 29, 2007

James Moved Out of the Hospital

James' family has moved him out to the village. Seems that the family thought that they could take care of him better there, than these people are doing in the thing they call a hospital here. They're probably right. Please pray for him as he recuperates from his injuries. I will update you when I know more.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Pisey Released From Hospital

Pisey Nhap was released from the hospital on Saturday night. Doctors said that his white blood count was normalizing and that he was out of danger. He had contracted dengue fever, but thanks to God hearing your prayers, Pisey is now home and doing better! Thank you and God bless you all!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Orphanage Needs

I haven't said much about the orphanage lately, due to medical things going on with Cindy, and now James and Pisey. The Christian foundation helping us has all but $26,788 that we need to pay the final payment on the construction. Folks, I cannot stress enough how important it is that we make this payment on time when the work is done. Additionally, we are going to have to furnish the new orphanage with furniture and equipment sufficient so that we can open. We have to install water tanks, water purifiers, and we have to pay the electric company to hook up electricity. Electricity isn't dependable, so we are going to need generators for backup. A complete list of needs is available upon request. Email me at Please help us!

James and Pisey Update

Just returned from two hospitals. You can't imagine what is wrapped up in that when those two hospitals are in Cambodia. James smiled a little and whispered "thank you" when we prayed for him. Pastor Pilot's little boy, Pisey, has been diagnosed with dengue fever. He had been given medication not long before we arrived, so he was alert and playful. That'll change when the medicine wears off and then his fever will shoot back up. Please pray for them.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Motorcycle Accident/Sick Child

Motorcycle Accident/Sick Children

Pictured above is James (Vanna) Suong and his wife Srey Ny. The day that we left for Malaysia, Srey Ny went into labor and delivered a baby girl. Mom and baby are doing fine. However, we returned to Cambodia to discover that her husband James was in a motorcycle accident. He has been hurt really bad: broken right collarbone, lacerations, and worst of all, head injury. Please pray for James. Health care is a fiasco in Cambodia and corruption is rampant, even in the medical field. When he was brought into the hospital, the director began screaming at them and said, “Why did you bring him here? What are we, your servants?” This is one of the best hospitals in Phnom Penh!

Also, the youngest son of Pastor Nhap Pilot and his wife Seila is sick and hospitalized here in Phnom Penh. We are not sure what is wrong with the boy, but neither do the doctors. Dengue fever is now reaching epidemic proportions with nearly a hundred deaths, mostly children. If you think medical care is a problem in the U.S.A. you should have went on hospital visits with my family yesterday. It is one of the saddest spectacles you will ever see. My daughter Leah was so upset that she ran out weeping.

Our people need your prayers. Please go to the Heavenly Father in their behalf! Thank you and God bless you!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

A Delay Made in Heaven

Well, folks, as I mentioned, the CT scan machine went down in the last 24-36 hours and a part had to be ordered. What this did was enable the doctor to have more time to consult with his colleagues in Malaysia, Singapore, Sydney, and as far away as London. After further consultations and after the results of the CT scan, the doctor has come to the conclusion that the "tumor is not aggressive enough" to warrant immediate removal. He brought in opinions from other specialists and they've all concluded that the surgery should not be performed. The advice now is to continue to monitor or as they call it, "continue surveillance."

To put it mildly, Cindy was relieved. We all were! But we definitely believe that God had something to do with that CT scan machine going down. It bought some time and the doctors were able to take more time to evaluate Cindy's situation. The elevation or "rising" of the tumor was attributed to the fact that Cindy had a contact lens on her eye when the doctor took the digital photos of her eye. They took more pictures today. Thank you, Lord!

Now, for the best part of all, the CT scan came back completely negative! No cancer from head to toe! Praise the Lord and to Him be the glory!

We want to thank all of you for your earnest prayers to the throne of God!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

CT Scan Postponed

Hi everyone,
The CT machine needs a part and it'll be repaired by day's end. Cindy's test has been rescheduled for Thursday 10am, Kuala Lumpur time. Thanks for prayers and we'll update asap.

CT Scan Tomorrow

Hi everyone, Cindy's CT scan will be tomorrow. That'll be Tuesday, 10:30 pm Central Daylight time "back in the world." Will update you after we get the word from the oncologist.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Cindy's Cancer Checkup in Malaysia

Well, friends, we are here in Malaysia. Cindy has been in doctor appointments most of the day. It looks like we will be here longer than we thought. The melanoma skin cancer in her left eye is raising. The doctor said that it's urgent to remove it. Furthermore, she'll be getting a full body CT scan to search for more cancer throughout the body. We know that God is in control, but we do covet your prayers at this time. We were planning to return to Phnom Penh on Saturday, but she will having surgery to remove the melanoma from her eye sometime between Friday and Tuesday of next week. Thank you for your love and prayers!