Seyhar and I just returned from a little "circuit-riding" to the northeastern regions of Prey Veng province. Our travels took us north from Phnom Penh and through Kampong Cham. Heading east from Kampong Cham town, we found a guesthouse in Suong. About 30-40 minutes south of Suong, we have mission works. Our young men, Bro.David and Bro.Matthew, have started village missions there. It was a blessing to meet the people and visit with them. I was able to preach the story of Adam and Eve and the fall of man. Four young men(pictured at left) made professions of faith in Christ. These young men were in their 20s. The village missions are one of my favorite parts of being a missionary in Cambodia. The people in the villages are so different from city people. It's hard to explain, but it is a blessing to work amongst them! One mission is in Kannchriech District and the other is an hour away in Kamchay Mear District. Please don't misunderstand. I enjoy working amongst both city and village people, but I am just saying they're different. The kids and teenagers in Kamchay Mear rode along with me in the Montero on Sunday afternoon. They wanted to go and teach songs to the people in Kannchriech. They have a lot of zeal for the Lord!

We are prayerfully considering a new mission on the outskirts of this rubber plantation. It's in Kampong Cham province and about an hour north of Matthew's mission in Kannchriech district, Prey Veng.

We've conducted a survey of the area and there appears to be no church or gospel witness there of any kind. Pray for us, that God would give us wisdom on this matter. There are over 2,000 people working at the plantation, not to mention of the thousands of others in the area.