There's a lot going on here in Cambodia right now. In the picture above, you can see our orphan's basketball court and play area beginning to go up. Through the help of the Haley Pharr Foundation, we have all but $46,788 that we needed to buy the land and put up the Orphan Center. We will need to raise this amount before the construction project finishes in March or April. Please pray with us about having a part in meeting this need. It seems like a mountain, but God is able to move mountains. With God, nothing is impossible.

This is Sophal, or "David" as he likes to be called. David is one of our young preachers from Prey Veng province. He is starting a new mission about 70 kilometers northeast of Prey Veng capitol. This is much closer to the Vietnamese border. He has a lot of setup needs. I know it would be a blessing to him if you could help out with the cost of chairs, tables, Bibles, etc. I know for a fact that he needs tables and chairs for a cost of about $120 total.

The man pictured above is Ly Kimlong. He is one of our men out in Prey Veng province. He's doing a good work out there, souls are being saved, and new missions are being started because of his vision and diligence in the work. He is a strong leader. He is now sending us five more students to attend the Bible College here in the capitol. This puts quite a strain on our resources here. The Bible College has no dormitory, so we allow them to stay at the church. While they are studying, we provide them room and board and give them a little stipend for basic needs like soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and other needs. We're going to need to buy more beds for these five new students. Each bed costs $55. We're also quickly getting an even bigger problem. Of course, these are the kinds of "problems" you like to have. When these additional five students arrive in about three weeks, we're going to need another motorcycle or maybe two. God blessed us in the last month with funds to buy one for our students that we have now. But in the last week or so, we've had five new students enroll. Each motorscooter costs from $850 (used) to $1100 (new).
What we'd really like to do is finish the top floor of our church building. We need to put up exterior and interior walls, put up the roof, and put in electric and plumbing. We will then have a student dormitory. Another reason why this is so important is that it will free up room downstairs for another work we want to begin. We want to start a Christian elderly care ministry and take care of some widows. Please pray for these ministries! We need your prayers and support!
So, as you can see, there's a lot going on!