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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Immediate Special Needs

Good evening from Cambodia! Just wanted to make a quick post to the blog about a really pressing need. Work that's already been done on our church building construction needs to be paid for on or before March 10th. I mentioned this need in an earlier post and so far $500 has come in from a supporting church in southern California. We still lack $2,300 and time is running out. We hope that some of you folks will be touched in your hearts to help the Cambodian brethren meet this need. Thank you for praying about and giving towards this need!

Monday, February 13, 2006

A Passage I Love

In this post, I want to mention a portion of Scripture that means a lot to me. It's found in Philippians 4:7 and reads, "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." I get tremendous assurance and peace from this verse because of the calm that it brings to my heart. Sometimes as a missionary, I get pretty stressed out. Regardless of what some may think, we're pretty normal people. The pressures that come with being a missionary just "comes with the territory." Nothing in this world can stabilize my heart and mind in the midst of trials and stressful situations like the peace of God! We hear a lot of talk in the world about "peace" or the lack of it. I am thankful for a peace that passes all understanding!

I want to take the time to thank Jim Cottrill at for helping people become aware of our missionary blogs. Thanks, Jim, and God bless!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Hello Again, Been Awhile

I guess it's been almost a month since I last posted. I do apologize for that. There have been many reasons. First, my computer has been in the shop. It is still in the shop, parts have to be ordered from Singapore. In the meantime, I am borrowing a computer. Then, I have suffered a pretty serious rib injury. Nothing is broken, but according to the doctor, I have cartilage, muscle, and connective tissue damage which is far more painful and takes longer to heal. The doctor says it could take three months to heal up.

We have had a lot of visitors at church lately. This morning a general from the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, a Christian man, and his wife and son worshipped with us. One of our college girls, Srey Mom, had four visitors with her this morning. We appreciate your prayers for our churches: Capitol City Baptist Church in the suburbs of Phnom Penh and Calvary Bible Baptist Church in Prey Veng. This summer we'll be starting another church in Takeo province, led by Seng Bunna, who'll be graduating from Bible College in July. A young couple in our church, Suong Vanna and his wife, Srey Ny, are praying about starting a new church in Kandal province.

We need to make a plea for help for the building fund here in Cambodia. We need to raise $2,800 to make a payment on work performed on the construction. $500 has come in this past week, leaving us $2,300 left. The deadline for the payment is March 10th. These funds go towards helping complete the construction of our church and Manna Children's Feeding Center. We have about three and a half weeks left to raise the money. Please prayerfully consider this important need! God bless you!