Sunday, December 31, 2006
Christmas Eve in Phnom Penh
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Orphanage Update

We're in a middle of a major construction project to build a home for little guys and girls like David. Cambodia is filled with orphans who need God's love. God has called us to minister to them and bring them the hope of the gospel.
We need your prayers and financial gifts to finish raising the necessary funds to complete the construction. Here's a breakdown of the things we need help in paying for:
Bringing in fill dirt and leveling the land = $2,901
Front wall= $3,040
Side and Back walls = $7,077
Well = $1,570
Sewage System = $9,800
Electrical system installation = $4,500
Gates and entryways = $4,300
Basketball court and metal roof = $13,600
Total: $46,788

Could you help with all or a part of this need? Please contact us for instructions on how to donate to this orphanage ministry. You can email us at
Thank you and God bless you!
Monday, December 18, 2006
118 Souls Receive Christ at Prey Veng Christmas Service

We've got five missions in the large province of Prey Veng. Three of those five works combined together for a joint Christmas program this past Sunday. Folks began arriving on Saturday. Trucks and vans were rolling in one after another on Sunday morning. When all was said and done, we had 380 people in attendance. 118 souls trusted Christ as Lord and Saviour after the gospel was preached unto them.
We will begin discipleship and follow up immediately with these new believers. Please pray for me as I will be spending a good bit of time out there. One of these works is located in Kamchay Mear, only a short distance from the border with Vietnam. It is quite remote and is near the "Parrot's Beak" area which was "HOT" during the Vietnam war. This is in the heart of the "Ho Chi Minh Trail" region.
One of the things that's so exciting about working for God in Cambodia is that you get to enter villages where no foreigner has ever been. In this past year, we've seen souls saved and have started mission works in five such places.
These mission works are in need of Bibles, musical instruments, chairs, tables, and whiteboards. If you would like to help with any need like this, let us know.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Another Snake At Church
Snakes continue to show up around the church, but this is Cambodia, so what do we expect? Not sure what kind of snake it was, but my best guess is that it's a dog-faced water snake. They're mildly venomous, but not aggressive. At least that's what the snake "experts" online say. Well, without further ado, here's my daughter Kayla along with some of the orphans actually handling a live snake!

Monday, October 30, 2006
Labour of Love

Pastor Mark Carter and members of Capitol City Baptist Church, Des Moines, Iowa, gather with us to dedicate the property in Ampov Prey. Their partnership with us in planting this new church is truly a labour of love! Joining in the ribbon-cutting ceremony from left to right: Pastor Mark Carter, Ben Nissen, Kevin Prendergast, myself, and Suong Seyhar.
It was a great blessing to have Manna Worldwide, under the leadership of Rev. Bruce O'Neal, lead this team to Cambodia. Pastor Carter and CCBC, Des Moines, have been partnering with us since 2003. They are supporting our Manna orphanage, Manna feeding center, and our church planting mission work. It's always a blessing to have guests and this was no exception! During the time they were with us, we had a Vacation Bible School and Youth Meeting. One of the highlights of their visit was the trip to Ampov Prey, where James Suong and his wife Srey Ny are starting a new church. The sacrifices of God's people in Des Moines led to the purchase of this land and construction of a church building.
This work began out of Capitol City Baptist Church in Phnom Penh. Four missions have already been started out of our Phnom Penh church, with more new churches being started soon. We are planning three new churches now: one more in Prey Veng province, one more in Kandal province, and a new church in the western suburbs of Phnom Penh. Pictured here are just a portion of the souls that have been saved by the grace of God in the last four years.

There is so much work to do here! Making God's name great among the Gentiles brings glory to His name! Please pray for us and partner with us in declaring God's glory among the people of Southeast Asia!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Welcoming Vibol

Chok Vibol, age 6
Yesterday we undertook a grueling 2 1/2 hour drive towards the Cambodian/Vietnamese border. We traveled two hours south of Phnom Penh, then loaded the van on a tiny little ferryboat and crossed the Bassac River. After going ashore, we traveled again for another half an hour to forty-five minutes over incredibly muddy and slippery roads until we finally reached our destination. The roads were so bad that we almost slid off into the river several times. We barely missed hitting trees and once almost wiped out a lady's table where she'd put out vegetables for sale. Our passenger van is simply not a good choice for travel outside the capitol.
We met with village and district officials and finished the necessary paperwork for taking Vibol into our orphanage. The things we heard while we were in this village were heartbreaking. Many parents suffer physically from the effects of slave labor under the Pol Pot regime. The Khmer Rouge were responsible for the deaths of about two million Cambodians. We discovered that this village and district is filled with orphans! Parents who suffered under the Khmer Rouge die early in life, leaving behind orphan children.
We are trying to raise $46,000 by March 2007. Our new home for orphans needs your prayers and financial help. The land has been purchased and the construction has begun. Please help us rescue these children from lives of hopelessness and despair. Jesus Christ is the answer!
Friday, October 06, 2006
Orphanage Construction Update

The outer wall is now going up around the orphanage property. You can also see that the roof is complete over the children's play area/basketball court.
We are still in the rainy season here in Cambodia. We have about a month and a half of daily rains and then the dry season will set in. Construction will speed up considerably at that time. We still lack about $46,000 towards all the funds we need to complete the project. If you would like to help us finish the orphanage, please contact me by email and I can give you further instructions. We need your assistance in finishing the orphanage. Please pray for us and for this project!
Monday, September 25, 2006
New Bible Students

All but four of our Bible College students are pictured here. Some were away at the time we took the photo.
I just wanted to let everyone know about the influx of Bible College students we're seeing now. We are beginning to see the discipleship efforts bearing fruit even more and more. Our young men are excited about discipling others and starting churches. Last year we had seven Bible students. School starts up again on October 10th. This year we'll have 21 students going to Bible College! God blessed us with 16 from our churches in Phnom Penh, Prey Veng, Ampov Prey, and Prey Angkonh. In addition, we have five students from Kampong Thom province. We are going to rent the house next door to the church for the purpose of a dormitory. Please pray for all these new students. We're going to house the girls at the church and the boys in the dorm house. We're going to need to buy even more beds than we thought. Each bed costs $55. Another option is a bunkbed for about $100. We are providing room and board for these young people while they attend Cambodia Baptist Bible College. This costs a lot of money, but it's an investment in the future pastors and church-planting missionaries of Cambodia! Please help us train these students! God bless you all!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
A Lot Going On

There's a lot going on here in Cambodia right now. In the picture above, you can see our orphan's basketball court and play area beginning to go up. Through the help of the Haley Pharr Foundation, we have all but $46,788 that we needed to buy the land and put up the Orphan Center. We will need to raise this amount before the construction project finishes in March or April. Please pray with us about having a part in meeting this need. It seems like a mountain, but God is able to move mountains. With God, nothing is impossible.

This is Sophal, or "David" as he likes to be called. David is one of our young preachers from Prey Veng province. He is starting a new mission about 70 kilometers northeast of Prey Veng capitol. This is much closer to the Vietnamese border. He has a lot of setup needs. I know it would be a blessing to him if you could help out with the cost of chairs, tables, Bibles, etc. I know for a fact that he needs tables and chairs for a cost of about $120 total.

The man pictured above is Ly Kimlong. He is one of our men out in Prey Veng province. He's doing a good work out there, souls are being saved, and new missions are being started because of his vision and diligence in the work. He is a strong leader. He is now sending us five more students to attend the Bible College here in the capitol. This puts quite a strain on our resources here. The Bible College has no dormitory, so we allow them to stay at the church. While they are studying, we provide them room and board and give them a little stipend for basic needs like soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and other needs. We're going to need to buy more beds for these five new students. Each bed costs $55. We're also quickly getting an even bigger problem. Of course, these are the kinds of "problems" you like to have. When these additional five students arrive in about three weeks, we're going to need another motorcycle or maybe two. God blessed us in the last month with funds to buy one for our students that we have now. But in the last week or so, we've had five new students enroll. Each motorscooter costs from $850 (used) to $1100 (new).
What we'd really like to do is finish the top floor of our church building. We need to put up exterior and interior walls, put up the roof, and put in electric and plumbing. We will then have a student dormitory. Another reason why this is so important is that it will free up room downstairs for another work we want to begin. We want to start a Christian elderly care ministry and take care of some widows. Please pray for these ministries! We need your prayers and support!
So, as you can see, there's a lot going on!
Friday, August 18, 2006
Victory at Evangelistic Camp!

Hundreds of teens listened intently, many hearing the gospel for the first time.

From our two churches and two village missions, we had 36 young people baptized. Here are all but six of those who were baptized. We had six who wandered off before we took the picture.
Our youth here are "on fire" for God after two weeks of youth camp! We just finished our second camp, which had an evangelistic focus. Greg Lyons, Roger Akers, and a team from Manila, Philippines came and did an outstanding job of presenting the gospel through music, drama, and preaching. 831 young people attended this evangelistic camp! The news gets even BETTER! 329 youth trusted Christ as Lord and Saviour!! We had a baptismal service at camp and we baptized our newly saved youth. 136 were baptized. On the final day, 53 young people registered to study in one of our Bible Institutes and Colleges! We want to say thank you to the Rawlings Foundation for helping make this camp possible!
We sent 111 teens to camp from our own four churches and missions. We're all excited about what the Lord is doing in the hearts of our youth! We are already planning follow-up with these youth and making our 100% best effort to "strike while the iron is hot." We really need your prayers! To God be the glory!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Youth Camp

Some of our youth from Capitol City Baptist Church
This year we are having two youth camps. The first one, held last week, was directed toward believers. Over 400 youth camp were in camp last week. About 50 surrendered their lives to serve the Lord in ministry and committed to attend Bible College. This coming week we will have our evangelistic camp. Camp Leaders are expecting nearly 1,000 youth for an evangelistic camp. We will take over 100 youth to the evangelistic camp from our four churches and missions. Please pray this week that the gospel would reach their hearts and that many would be saved. Also pray that all the costs of the camp would be met. It costs us about $200 to transport the kids from the villages and then back to the villages after camp is finished. We have to rent vans for this. So pray that God will meet this need. I'll update you about camp results at the end of this week. Thank you and God bless you all!
Students Get Help
We want to say "Praise the Lord" and a big thanks to those who pray and give to help support this ministry! The need I mentioned last week for the two students, Sophal and Bunna, has been met. Thank you so much for all your love and concern for this work!
Monday, August 07, 2006
Update from Kuala Lumpur

Leah and Kayla at the entrance to Petaling Market in Chinatown, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
We are in Kuala Lumpur now for Cindy's regular melanoma checkups. She has regular visits to two doctors: an opthalmalogist and a skin specialist. The opthalmalogist checks the tumor in her left eye and examines it for any raising, color changes, or changes in texture and size. It did grow a little, but there is nothing about which the doctor thinks we should be concerned. So, that's good news. Cindy visited the skin specialist this morning and she has many basal cell carcinomas but none are malignant melanoma. The skin specialist said that Cindy has reduce her visits now to every six months instead of every four, unless she discovers something that needs attention. The opthalmalogist wants to continue the "every four months" routine that we are used to. So, Lord willing, it appears we'll be back in Kuala Lumpur around Christmas time for the opthalmalogist.
We do appreciate your prayers in regards to our health needs. Thank you and God bless you all!
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Students Need Help

I have two young men, both preachers, who are furthering their education. The purpose for this is that here in Cambodia, these men need a vocation, a skill, that they can use to help support themselves and the work of the church they start. One such young man is Sous Sophal. He is halfway through his bachelors program at a local university here in Phnom Penh. The total cost for his education is only $400 a year. His next semester begins in September. We are asking the Lord to burden someone to take this on as a scholarship for Sophal.
Then, we have Seng Bunna. Seng Bunna just graduated from Bible School and wishes to study computer and English. Total costs for his courses for the next three months come to $150. Perhaps your church can help this young preacher prepare for a bivocational ministry. When these young men can learn a trade or skill, they can help feed their families and reach souls in the community, while pastoring a small church in Cambodia.
I hope God will burden someone's heart to help these two young men. God bless you!
Monday, July 24, 2006
Along the Burmese Border

I enjoy a "Kodak Moment" with some Karen tribal refugee kids.
My Cambodian brother and co-worker Seyha and I were blessed to be able to visit our brethren along the Thai/Burma border. Some of you are aware, but I'm afraid many of you are not aware of the suffering of the Karen tribal Christians inside Burma. Hundreds of thousands of these brethren are now refugees in Thailand. Many more are suffering under persecution from the Burmese army. They are persecuted both for being Karen and for being Christian. When we arrived in Mae Sot, we met with believers who trace their spiritual heritage back to the ministry of missionary Adoniram Judson. This area is a very sensitive area politically. Pastor Joseph and the Karen Baptist churches need our prayers.
While we were there, we were able to help paint a Karen tribal refugee school for the children of the area. They also have a Manna Worldwide feeding center ministry. Our church here in Cambodia has decided to make this work among the Karen our first foreign mission to support. This is a wonderful milestone in the life of our Cambodian church, taking on a foreign missionary work.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Village Ministry in Ampov Prey

I had the privilege of visiting our newest village work today. I went along with James, his wife Srey Ny, and a good number of others out to the new work in Ampov Prey. It was a great time for everyone. I'm excited about the prospects for a new church being started in this village. It is along the road leading south to the border with Vietnam. As mentioned in previous posts and articles, it is in the old "Ho Chi Minh" trail region of Vietnam. This is where much activity happened during the Vietnam War.
We fight the spiritual battles that are not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual enemies listed in Ephesians, chapter 6. Please pray with us as we fight against the world, the flesh, and the devil here in Cambodia. Pray for us that God would open a way for us to get a small plot of land here to build a church building.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
An Exciting Challenge Lies Ahead

Hi everyone,
The picture above was taken yesterday as we went out to look at the property where the new orphan center will be built. That's "yours truly" studying some blueprints. Because of the Haley Pharr Cambodian Orphan Foundation, we are now able to expand and do even more to reach the hearts and help the orphans of Cambodia. We continue to need your help also to make this a reality. We will be needing vehicles to transport up to 100 orphans eventually. Lord willing, we'll be caring for fifty orphan girls and fifty orphan boys. Month by month, we will need necessary funds to provide for their food, clothing, medical, education, etc. In addition, we'll have staff to pay, utility bills, etc. Begin praying about how you can help monthly to care for a Cambodian orphan.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Sick Orphan

Orphan Sopheak Having Fun With A Visitor
The child pictured on the left is named Sopheak. She is eight years old and is one of the orphans who live with us here in Phnom Penh. I have been so busy the past few days that I've been unable to post here on the blog. Sopheak got real sick over the weekend. We have spent the past couple of days with doctors and hospitals. The doctors tested her for malaria, dengue fever, tuberculosis, and a number of other things. We had blood work done for her and a chest xray. There were also some medicines we had to buy as well as IVs. The total bill for the medical care for $300. That's a lot cheaper than the U.S. but when our orphan support for the month is only $500, well, you can see that we could use your help on this. Would you consider helping us with this expense? Those of you who are familiar with how to send support and offerings, just remember when you send a check to mark it for "Haas/Cambodia/Sopheak Medical."
Anything that comes in over the $300 amount, we will put into an emergency fund that we are starting for things like this that come up. If you need instructions on how to send an offering, email me and I'll send you instructions. Thank you so much and God bless!
Monday, April 24, 2006
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
We had a nice and relaxing time in KL, Malaysia. Cindy found a new doctor for the skin cancer checkups so we'll be going to KL from now on to visit the doctor. As you might remember, we were going to Bangkok, but Malaysia seems to be better in dealing with skin cancer detection and treatment. Cindy has another appointment in August. We have to do this every three months in order to catch any new melanoma before they spread. She has a tumor in her eye, but it is still flat and not growing or changing shape. Please keep praying for Cindy's health as well as our whole family.
Pictured here: KL Towers, World's Tallest Building
Pictured here: KL Towers, World's Tallest Building

Thursday, April 20, 2006
Hello, remember me?

Above: Christians meeting in open air service in Srok Phea Rang
Hi everyone,
Sorry for the long delay in posting. I have a ton of excuses: busy, internet server down, busy, out of town, busy, sick, busy, well you get the picture. We just returned from Malaysia two days ago for a much needed rest. Cambodia is one of the poorest and dirtiest countries in Asia, if not the world. I would venture to say that it rivals parts of Africa. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, is a big metropolitan and cosmopolitan city filled with native Malays, Chinese, and Indian people. The predominate religion is Islam. We did not sense any ill feelings or rudeness towards us as Americans. The people were very welcoming and kind. It was a nice break for our family. Upon our return to Cambodia, we were happy to see everyone again. The orphans stayed at the church with our church leaders, Seyhar and Sokhanni. It was the Cambodian New Year during our little trip to KL and so the orphans went to the countryside village for the celebration. They had a great time! They all went to Srok Phea Rang where we'll be started a new mission work. It's about 2 and a half hours driving time, plus a wait time at the Mekong River for the ferry. Here's a few photos from Srok Phea Rang.
Children In the Sack Race

Open Air Pulpit: You use what you have!

Friday, March 24, 2006
Long Dry Season
Hello again and here we are at the end, we hope, of a long dry season. We have seen rain maybe twice in the last five months. So, we'll be happy when the monsoon season arrives. Some love rain, some hate rain. I'm with those who love rain. It gets so dusty here that I just love it when the rain cleans the junk out of the air.
Our churches and missions here in Phnom Penh and east toward the border with Vietnam are going well. Our church here in the capitol is trying to raise money to help build a shelter for the new Kandal province church. They are going to buy posts, lumber, and palm thatch for the roof. In addition, they are raising money to buy plastic, stackable chairs. In the future, we may try to lay a cement floor down. In the rainy season there tends to be little "rivers" that run through the congregation! In the meantime, we'll get some sandbags to hold the water out.
We are still short on our need for the $2,800 that we need to pay for the work that the building contractor has already done. We have a little over $1,000 that's come in to date. Please pray about the remaining $1,800 that we need, as well an additional $5,000 to completely finish the building. We are SO close! Please pray that we will see God work a miracle to get this project completely finished.
Our churches and missions here in Phnom Penh and east toward the border with Vietnam are going well. Our church here in the capitol is trying to raise money to help build a shelter for the new Kandal province church. They are going to buy posts, lumber, and palm thatch for the roof. In addition, they are raising money to buy plastic, stackable chairs. In the future, we may try to lay a cement floor down. In the rainy season there tends to be little "rivers" that run through the congregation! In the meantime, we'll get some sandbags to hold the water out.
We are still short on our need for the $2,800 that we need to pay for the work that the building contractor has already done. We have a little over $1,000 that's come in to date. Please pray about the remaining $1,800 that we need, as well an additional $5,000 to completely finish the building. We are SO close! Please pray that we will see God work a miracle to get this project completely finished.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Some Updates
Pilot, Seyla, and Visal went home from the hospital today. Thank you for your prayers for them! Continue to pray as they recover from the accident.
Bruce McKee is recovering from his injury from last week after being shot. I know that he and his family appreciate your prayers. Please continue to pray for him, his wife Margaret, his daughter Gracie, her husband Jason, and their children.
We have an extension on the time to pay the bill on the building. Praise God for that, because only about 1/3 of the $2,800 needed to pay the bill has come in. The date is now April 11. The money has to be in their hands by then. Right now, we've received $1,053.00 of the needed $2,800. That, of course, doesn't include the $5,000 we still lack in order to finish the top floor and roof of the church. Please continue to pray earnestly about this need!
Bruce McKee is recovering from his injury from last week after being shot. I know that he and his family appreciate your prayers. Please continue to pray for him, his wife Margaret, his daughter Gracie, her husband Jason, and their children.
We have an extension on the time to pay the bill on the building. Praise God for that, because only about 1/3 of the $2,800 needed to pay the bill has come in. The date is now April 11. The money has to be in their hands by then. Right now, we've received $1,053.00 of the needed $2,800. That, of course, doesn't include the $5,000 we still lack in order to finish the top floor and roof of the church. Please continue to pray earnestly about this need!
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Young Preacher and Family Injured in Motorcycle Accident
It's been a tough week here in Cambodia. You've read our post about the shooting earlier in the week. Tonight at 10PM I received a call from one of our men that a young preacher in our church was involved in a motorcycle accident. Nhap Pilot, his wife Seyla, and son Visal, are suffering with head injuries. I just got home from the hospital. Please pray for them that God will touch their bodies and that there will be no complications. None of them were wearing helmets, which is normal in Cambodia. Most of the people can't afford a good helmet. Their main concern is having enough money to put food on the table every day. I will keep you updated this week as I know more.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Fellow Missionary Shot, Injured
A longtime friend and fellow missionary, Bruce McKee, was shot outside his home in Phnom Penh last night by an unknown assailant. Four shots were fired, one striking him in the ear. He believes that it was an attempt on his life due to a land dispute. He survived the attempt on his life and is safe, at least for now. He and his wife Margaret truly need our prayers at this time.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Building Fund Update and Other News
Hello everyone! I thought I'd give you an update on how things are going on the immediate need I mentioned earlier. We are in need of $2,800 to pay the contractor for work done on the church and the deadline is March 10. That's five more days. To date, we have seen $800 come in towards the need. Please folks, if you can do anything right now, this week, please do. We still lack $2,000 which needs to be paid in five days. Please pray and consider this immediate need!
We witnessed a very heartbreaking and tragic event this morning on our way to church. We were driving along the road not far from the house when we saw a young girl struggling and being dragged back into a brothel by her "papa-san" and "mama-san." For those who aren't aware of the human trafficking that goes on here, buying and selling children and young women is a big racket here. She was clearly being forced to work as a prostitute, clearly was struggling to escape, but the man had her by one arm and the woman had her in a "hammerlock" with the other arm. Intervention is not an option. Some of you may not understand that, but there is a seething and degenerate nature to this business of human trafficking. To stop the van and get involved would probably lead to getting shot to death right there in the street. Politicians, the police, and all the neighbors cooperate together in the trafficking of human beings. At this point, all one can do is pray and intercede for those caught up in this wicked business. Please join with us in prayer for these people.
Again, don't forget to pray about the immediate need for our building contractor. Only five more days and we lack $2,000. God bless you all! If you'd like to give,
make the check out to BBFI Missions and include a note saying that the funds are for "Haas/Cambodia/Building." That will let the office know to whom the funds are designated. Then mail the check to: BBFI Missions Office, P.O. Box 191, Springfield, MO 65801. It is crucial that you include the note stating that it is for "Haas/Cambodia/Building" so that the office will know where to deposit the funds. Thank you so much! God bless you!
We witnessed a very heartbreaking and tragic event this morning on our way to church. We were driving along the road not far from the house when we saw a young girl struggling and being dragged back into a brothel by her "papa-san" and "mama-san." For those who aren't aware of the human trafficking that goes on here, buying and selling children and young women is a big racket here. She was clearly being forced to work as a prostitute, clearly was struggling to escape, but the man had her by one arm and the woman had her in a "hammerlock" with the other arm. Intervention is not an option. Some of you may not understand that, but there is a seething and degenerate nature to this business of human trafficking. To stop the van and get involved would probably lead to getting shot to death right there in the street. Politicians, the police, and all the neighbors cooperate together in the trafficking of human beings. At this point, all one can do is pray and intercede for those caught up in this wicked business. Please join with us in prayer for these people.
Again, don't forget to pray about the immediate need for our building contractor. Only five more days and we lack $2,000. God bless you all! If you'd like to give,
make the check out to BBFI Missions and include a note saying that the funds are for "Haas/Cambodia/Building." That will let the office know to whom the funds are designated. Then mail the check to: BBFI Missions Office, P.O. Box 191, Springfield, MO 65801. It is crucial that you include the note stating that it is for "Haas/Cambodia/Building" so that the office will know where to deposit the funds. Thank you so much! God bless you!
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Immediate Special Needs
Good evening from Cambodia! Just wanted to make a quick post to the blog about a really pressing need. Work that's already been done on our church building construction needs to be paid for on or before March 10th. I mentioned this need in an earlier post and so far $500 has come in from a supporting church in southern California. We still lack $2,300 and time is running out. We hope that some of you folks will be touched in your hearts to help the Cambodian brethren meet this need. Thank you for praying about and giving towards this need!
Monday, February 13, 2006
A Passage I Love
In this post, I want to mention a portion of Scripture that means a lot to me. It's found in Philippians 4:7 and reads, "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." I get tremendous assurance and peace from this verse because of the calm that it brings to my heart. Sometimes as a missionary, I get pretty stressed out. Regardless of what some may think, we're pretty normal people. The pressures that come with being a missionary just "comes with the territory." Nothing in this world can stabilize my heart and mind in the midst of trials and stressful situations like the peace of God! We hear a lot of talk in the world about "peace" or the lack of it. I am thankful for a peace that passes all understanding!
I want to take the time to thank Jim Cottrill at for helping people become aware of our missionary blogs. Thanks, Jim, and God bless!
I want to take the time to thank Jim Cottrill at for helping people become aware of our missionary blogs. Thanks, Jim, and God bless!
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Hello Again, Been Awhile
I guess it's been almost a month since I last posted. I do apologize for that. There have been many reasons. First, my computer has been in the shop. It is still in the shop, parts have to be ordered from Singapore. In the meantime, I am borrowing a computer. Then, I have suffered a pretty serious rib injury. Nothing is broken, but according to the doctor, I have cartilage, muscle, and connective tissue damage which is far more painful and takes longer to heal. The doctor says it could take three months to heal up.
We have had a lot of visitors at church lately. This morning a general from the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, a Christian man, and his wife and son worshipped with us. One of our college girls, Srey Mom, had four visitors with her this morning. We appreciate your prayers for our churches: Capitol City Baptist Church in the suburbs of Phnom Penh and Calvary Bible Baptist Church in Prey Veng. This summer we'll be starting another church in Takeo province, led by Seng Bunna, who'll be graduating from Bible College in July. A young couple in our church, Suong Vanna and his wife, Srey Ny, are praying about starting a new church in Kandal province.
We need to make a plea for help for the building fund here in Cambodia. We need to raise $2,800 to make a payment on work performed on the construction. $500 has come in this past week, leaving us $2,300 left. The deadline for the payment is March 10th. These funds go towards helping complete the construction of our church and Manna Children's Feeding Center. We have about three and a half weeks left to raise the money. Please prayerfully consider this important need! God bless you!
We have had a lot of visitors at church lately. This morning a general from the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, a Christian man, and his wife and son worshipped with us. One of our college girls, Srey Mom, had four visitors with her this morning. We appreciate your prayers for our churches: Capitol City Baptist Church in the suburbs of Phnom Penh and Calvary Bible Baptist Church in Prey Veng. This summer we'll be starting another church in Takeo province, led by Seng Bunna, who'll be graduating from Bible College in July. A young couple in our church, Suong Vanna and his wife, Srey Ny, are praying about starting a new church in Kandal province.
We need to make a plea for help for the building fund here in Cambodia. We need to raise $2,800 to make a payment on work performed on the construction. $500 has come in this past week, leaving us $2,300 left. The deadline for the payment is March 10th. These funds go towards helping complete the construction of our church and Manna Children's Feeding Center. We have about three and a half weeks left to raise the money. Please prayerfully consider this important need! God bless you!
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Ministry Expanding

I went out today and took this picture of the land next door to the church. As I have mentioned, the Lord has put the burden on our hearts to enlarge our ministry to the orphans and old folks. There are hundreds of thousands of hopeless orphans all around this country. The AIDS crisis here is killing so many parents and leaving behind so many orphans. We are taking in five more orphans next Tuesday, all from the same family. The mother and father are dying from AIDS-related diseases. Furthermore, so many are dying because of AIDS, that the land is filling up with elderly widows with no one to take care of them. If you could see the hopelessness we see every single day, it would break your heart.
We want to buy this land to house dozens of orphans and widows. We are calling it "Home of New Hope Cambodia." The price for the land is $12,000. We need to raise all of this as soon as possible. It is a good price. Once the land is purchased, we will begin building the Home of New Hope. Our Cambodian brothers and sisters are excited about this. Would you pray about helping us to get this land? We are praying that God will raise up these funds faster than we could ever ask or think.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Home of New Hope

Hey there everyone! There is a piece of land behind our church that we are considering buying. There are actually two pieces of land, one is $8,000 and the other is twice as much land and it's $12,000. The $12,000 plot is a better deal. Our church folks here in Cambodia desire to start what is called an NGO. It's a "Non-Government Organization." This is a good idea. It provides us with a good footing to continue here for a long, long time. No matter what governments come or go, this NGO status gives us better long range stability here. They have chosen the name "Home of New Hope." It is the desire of our Cambodian brothers and sisters to reach out to the orphans and widows. Home of New Hope is now looking to get a piece of land on which to build.
Please band together with us in prayer about this piece of land and funds to build a Home of New Hope for orphans and widows. The orphan and widow situation here in Cambodia is so desperate. Just this morning I went to the post office to get the mail and was met by two widows on the steps of the post office. Both of them looked sick and hungry. They were certainly in need of God. What happens in many cases is that their children, due to infidelity at home, wind up dying of HIV/AIDS-related causes and leave the elderly mother with absolutely no one to care for her. There is no retirement or social security here. If you are old, someone takes care of you or you die. It is heart-breaking.
Thank you for your prayers!
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Not Enough Apples
It is said that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." Obviously, we have not been eating enough apples! Cindy, Kayla, and myself have all been sick. Kayla has an ear infection in both ears. Cindy has asthma and bronchitis. I have had fever, headaches, dizziness, and an injury added on. I have very sore ribs on the left side from an injury sustained earlier in the week.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
The Blessings of Christmas

Jesus said that it is more blessed to give than to receive. One of the greatest examples of that truth in everyday life is the joy that comes to a child when we give them something for Christmas. We had a wonderful Christmas party on Christmas Eve. We invited all the Manna Feeding Center children, their parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, and other extended family. We had over a hundred come to the party. The children had a great time and the parents seemed to enjoy it as much as the children!
The following day was Christmas. We had two services on Sunday with a combined attendance of 266. 47 people trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour: 29 adults and 18 youths. One woman in our church, HIV positive, is now suffering the affects of AIDS. She told other AIDS-affected people about the love and compassion she found at our church and invited them to church. This past Sunday she brought five visitors to church. They said, "We know we will die, but we heard that you could offer us spiritual hope." So, the Lord opened the door to tell them about the Lord Jesus.

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